841 W Central Ave. Sutherlin, Oregon
Sabbath Morning Church At Study 9:20 AM
Sabbath Morning Worship Service 10:50 AM
This page was updated 012525 AM
Today: Prayer Room is open after church.
Today: Church Fellowship Potluck
Jan 27th Mon: 5:30 pm School Board Meeting
Jan 29th Wed: 6 pm Prayer Meeting is moving to the ALC!! Join the growing group for “Studies on the Holy Spirit.” There is room for you! Books are available.
Jan 30th Thurs: 1-5 pm Office Hours for Pastor Sean
Feb. 1st Sabbath: 9:20 a.m. Sabbath School Bible study:” The Wrath of Divine Love”
Feb. 1st Sabbath: Offering Church Budget
Feb. 1st Sabbath: Speaker: Sherman Hong
New Address for Rachel Dailey: 3123 Cougar Creek Rd. Oakland, OR 97462. Phone number is the same.
Make Valentine Cards! On February 9th from 10 to noon, we will meet to help the children make cards to share at Chantele’s Loving Touch. The adults will make cards to mail out to missing members. Contact Susan at 608-206-5208 for more details.
Women’s Ministry Valentine Luncheon. If you are widowed, divorced, single, or lonely, you are invited to the catered luncheon on February 9th at 1:00 pm at the Gladstone Park Church at 8378 Cason Rd. A program designed just for you will be presented. Check-in begins at 12:30 pm. Contact Tawny Sportsman to register at 541-401-2521. Invite a friend.
Diabetes Undone Class Update:
**Dates are March 9th to April 3rd - at 5:30 pm.
**Meet Sunday and Thursday each week, for 4 weeks.
**Cost is $50 for a workbook and cookbook. If you have taken this class before, and have your materials, there is no cost.
**If you or someone you know would like to join the class or volunteer to help, please contact Cheryl Herscher at 541-680-6066. **More information will be shared on Sabbath, Feb, 1st
School Update: Please continue to pray for the school board members, as we look for a teacher.
Thank You for participating in the Bottle Drop Refund Fundraising program. If you need blue bags, they are in the hallway by the children’s classrooms. You can turn them in at the Bottle Drop Facility in Roseburg, or bring your bags to the church and someone will turn them in for you.